Author - Jay Shah

GNY Pit Barrier

Aviation Ground Refueling Product GNY Pit Barrier Aircraft Ground Service Pits | Floodlight Design to: The Model BAR-100 has been designed to fit over the hydrant coupler and its hose connection. Its purpose is to help in the prevention of accidental damage to the fuel hydrant coupler caused by ground service vehicle activity. Available Depths: Lightweight aluminum (17 lbs.) furnished with six lugs to fit...

GNY Floodlight

Aviation Ground Refueling Product GNY Floodlight Aircraft Ground Service Pits | Pit Barrier Design to: Provide better visibility for aircraft grounds crew on the ramp. Reduce accidents, mishaps and mistakes by providing sufficient lighting around aircraft during darkness. Available Depths: 40, 52, 72 and 144 inches (1016, 1320, 1830 and 3658 mm) Other depths are available on special order. ...

GNY Pit Installation

Aviation Ground Refueling Product GNY Pit Installation Aircraft Ground Service Pits Pit shown with associated pipe work and interior equipment fittings. This Model 6000 pit will be backfilled in position and concrete will be pored over the the top 12". This pit form has a split top to allow for adjustment in the field. Model 6000 (Cover Removed) Pit Shown during installation. ...

GNY Master Meter Carts

Aviation Ground Refueling Product GNY Master Meter Carts GNY Master Meter Carts The master meter method of proving meters provides a relatively easy way of checking the accuracy of an installed meter. This method eliminates the requirements of removing meters from fixed installations and mobile equipment for factory calibration. Also provides a method of checking installed meters where use of large prover tank...

GNY Aircraft Refuelers AR1176

Aviation Ground Refueling Product GNY Aircraft Refuelers Aircraft Refuler | Model AR1176 GNY Equipment, offers Aviation Refuelers for Aircraft Industry Worldwide. GNY Aviation Refuelers are available in 2500 and 5000 Gallons with Delivery System 100,300 and 600 GPM. GNY Aircraft Refuelers ...

GNY Aircraft Refuelers

Aviation Ground Refueling Product GNY Aircraft Refuelers Aircraft Refuler | Model AR1176 The Company was an early pioneer in the development of hydrant type aircraft refueling equipment and related aircraft ground support equipment. Experience in this field led to the designing and manufacturing of pits required for the early hydrant systems. The company had traded under the name Garsite TSR. The Deet Park...